About US Masters Residential Property Fund

US Masters Residential Property Fund (Fund) was established in 2011 and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (URF.ASX). The Fund was established to give investors exposure to US residential property and is the largest Australian-listed property trust with a primary strategy of investing in freestanding and multi-tenant US residential property in the New York metropolitan area.

Since 2011, the Fund’s portfolio has grown to 778 housing units across 413 freestanding properties, with a gross asset value of approximately A$812 million (as at 30 June 2024).

The Fund conducts all its New York metropolitan area residential investment through its controlled entity US Masters Residential Property (USA) Fund, a Maryland Real Estate Investment Trust (US REIT).

In June 2024, the fund created a stapled group, by stapling units in a new fund US Masters Residential Property Fund II (ARSN 676 798 468) (URFII) to existing units in the Fund. URF II was created to own a new responsible entity, US Masters Responsible Entity Limited (ACN 672 783 345 | AFSL 553 794), which is now owned by Fund Unitholders, independent of any financial services organisation and operates on a cost-recovery basis.

Key documents

Services and fees